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The History of Elevators and Lifts

The Initial stage
According to the Collins Dictionary, “An elevator is a device that carries people up and down inside buildings.” No doubt the discovery of the lift is one of the turning points in the history of man. Since the man started living in large constructions, he is looking for the vertical transport for people and cargos. This type of vertical transport for moving goods and individuals up and down could date back to 236 BC and operated by the animals, humans or water wheel power when Archimedes was reported to have developed his first elevator. And of course, it was the best machine today constructed from the hemp rope and powered by hands or animals.

The History of Elevators and Lifts

Hydraulic elevators
Archaeological excavations discovered that, since the era of earliest Rome, people were being mounted on platforms, tied with ropes and pulled by slaves of the Romans. During 1846 the elevator designed by the William Armstrong, a scientist, engineer and innovator who got the credit for producing the hydraulic system that is an essential part of all modern lift designs. These models are used for loading cargo at Tyneside as these are more forceful than the previous one.

The Steam Powered Elevators
In 1852, the design of the lift was evolved again by Elisha Otis, which is a steam elevator, known as safety lifts. It mainly focuses on the security of the users, which helps in preventing the fall of the cab if the cable broke as well. Its design is similar to one of the types of lift we use today. The cab engaged in the knurled roller to lock the elevator to its guide at excessive speed. Fluid, most commonly water, was filled into the cylinder to create force and make the plunger elevate the cab, which would, directly lesser by gravity as the water was detached. He established it at the New York exhibition in the Crystal Palace in an impressive presentation in 1854, and the first such passenger lift service was installed at 488 Broadway in New York City on March 23, 1857.
The first office building is The Equitable Life Building established in 1870 in New York City, which introduced the passenger elevator services. Peter Ellis and English architect installed the first elevator in Oriel Chambers in Liverpool in 1868.

Electric elevators
In 1880, with the advent of electricity, an electric motor was established in Germany by Werner von Siemens. In this design, the engine was placed at the bottom. Hence, a gearing system can be included in the lift to transport the shaft walls up and down. In 1887, an electric elevator was developed in Baltimore, by using a revolving drum to wind the raised rope, but these drums could not sensibly be made massive enough to stock up the long hoisting ropes that would be essential by skyscrapers.
With the ever-evolving motor technology, different controlling measures have been evolved in the elevators. By 1903 a design with gearless traction elevator that allows 100+ story building made possible with original single speed models to make an overall landing, leveling and smooth operation. Later, push buttons, and various signal systems were also included to make it more modernized.
The History of Elevators and Lifts

Hence, nowadays lifts has become one of the integral parts of the architectural buildings with lots of new designs and technologies. Elevators manufacturers in Delhi are offering the latest designs of lifts to fulfill the overall requirements of the clients. Apex Elevators has years of experience in providing passenger lift manufacturers in Delhi with maximum satisfaction to the clients. So what are you waiting for? Just give us a call to get any lift service in Delhi


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